
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Here is a colour poem


  1. hi i love your poem it gave me ideas for my next post
    also check out my youtube channel its called ben strongman it at the top of the list

  2. Hi Abd-alrahman

    I like your colour poem. I did one colour poem, My one was a Blue one. Do you have another favourite colour?

    1. Hi Aadil I do have an other favourite colour it is red but I also like black. Do you have another favourite colour?

  3. Namaste Abd-alrahman
    I really like your post about your colour poem! I learnt so much about your favourite colour, gold. What are your next steps? Maybe next time you could change the colour of your background.
    Kind Regards Mariam Year 3

  4. Hi Abd-alrahman
    I really liked how you used the 5 scences and I liked how you used a rainbow to put your name and the date.
    Next time can you write more words in it.
    By Janet from Rm15

  5. Hi Abd-Alrahman/Lil John
    I really liked how you described it really well gold is 4th favourite colour and you described it really good WooHoo! Nice work my Lil Friend!

    Kind Regards Heamapo!

  6. Hi Abd-alrahman,
    Great Work
    I Did One Too
    My Colour Was Gold Too
    Keep Up The Great Work
    Peace Out


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